
The programm „Zen for Leadership“

A great number of people in a managerial capacity suffer under the stress of their career ambitions and the tension in their personal development. The pivotal question that frequently arises is: How do I find the balance between that business stress and the need for peace and personal depth in my own life? It has been scientifically proven that Zen has a stimulating effect on the quest for this balance. Many of those in management – particularly those over forty – do not think solely about their business preoccupations, but increasingly about the direction of and relationship with their immediate environment. At times Zen may appear difficult to fathom, but in reality it turns out to be a simple and stimulating source for enhancing the quality of work and invigorating the personal environment. And this instrument is within reach of all of us. Effects of Zen training include: more energy, improved power of concentration, increasing clarity of thought, more patience and – equally important – a better resistance to stress.

Program 2018

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Courses 2018

ZL 01 Sunday, 4.2.2018, 18:00 until Wednesday, 7.2.2018, 13:00

ZL 02 Sunday, 6.5.2018, 18:00 until Wednesday, 9.5.2018, 13:00

ZL 03 Sunday, 23.9.2018, 18:00 until Wednesday, 26.9.2018, 13:00

ZL 05 Sunday, 22.7.2018, 18:00 until Friday, 27.7.2018, 13:00

Note: Course ZL 05 “Summer-Sesshin zen@work” in July offers a longer and more intensive seminar – not alone for leaders. It focuses more on the experience of silence and on mindful walking.


Benediktushof Holzkirchen bei Würzburg


ZL01, ZL 02, ZL03 EUR 650,-

ZL05 EUR 560,- exkl. VAT


Accomodation/Catering has to be booked separately via Benediktushof.

Brigitte van Baren, Paul J. Kohtes


Rudolf Faber

Physiotherapeuthical assistance ZL01, 02, 03:

Hannelore Fürst

Information and Booking


Zentrum für spirituelle Wege

Klosterstraße 10

97292 Holzkirchen/Unterfranken

Tel: +49 (0)9369-9838-13

Fax: +49 (0)9369-9838-38


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